Brighstone Christmas Tree Festival
In 2015 the Club decided to enter an exhibition in the Brighstone Christmas Tree Festival.
We tried to think of something different to enter and came up with the idea of a "tree" made from branch wood.
Having made the "tree" which was about 4ft tall it was decorated with hanging baubles that were made by various Club members.
We entered this "tree" for three years with various modifications.
In 2017 Colwyn Way, professional demonstator from Axminster Tools Skill Centre, came to the Club and demonstrated how to make a Bavavian style Christmas carousel.
Mike foolishly suggested we make one for the Brighstone event. It was decided to involve all those Club members that wished to take part. Our effort would have five tiers and would be powered by a microwave motor, not candles, for safety reasons
It took several months to complete, but it was completed in time to give it a trial run at our exhibition at the Garlic Farm. The carousel performed impeccably, so we felt confident in showing at Brighstone.
As in previous years we had been allocated a place in the Community Hall which only allowed the exhibits to on display for a short time. We felt that our carousel deserved longer exposure, so we asked if we could possibly move it to the main venue where it would be on view for the whole of the festival.
The organiser was well impressed with photographs and allocated us a position in the Church, so when it came to take the carousel down at the Community Hall we moved it to the font in the Church. This position was just inside the main door so the carousel was almost the first exhibit that visitors would see.
If we choose to enter an exhibit this year we will ask for the same spot again.
2015 - 2017